Sketchfab VR (HTC Vive Gameplay)

SketchfabrunsonthenewOculusQuestVRheadset.Letyourcustomersexploreallyour3DcontentinVRwiththeOculusQuest.,VRandARHeadsets3DModels;SnapIncSpectacles3DModel·SnapIncSpectacles.1.3;GoogleDaydreamView3DModel·GoogleDaydreamView.4k;MagicLeapOne3D ...,Enj...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Your products in VR with the Oculus Quest directly from Sketchfab

Sketchfab runs on the new Oculus Quest VR headset. Let your customers explore all your 3D content in VR with the Oculus Quest.

VR and AR Headsets

VR and AR Headsets 3D Models ; Snap Inc Spectacles 3D Model · Snap Inc Spectacles. 1.3 ; Google Daydream View 3D Model · Google Daydream View. 4k ; Magic Leap One 3D ...

Sketchfab Virtual Reality

Enjoy the Sketchfab Virtual Reality experience. Compatible with all mainstream VR tech including: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, and Microsoft Mixed ...


View in VR/AR. View models in VR using your favorite headset. Buy & Sell 3D Models. Find everything you need for your next project.

Virtual Reality & 3D for Cultural Heritage

Learn more about how Sketchfab helps museums adopt to the digital age by improving their online presence and giving them a virtual home for their 3D and VR.

Sketchfab VR

評分 7/10 (58) 顯示卡: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970, AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent or better; DirectX: 版本:11; 儲存空間: 800 MB 可用空間; VR 支援: SteamVR.

(Sketchfab) Virtual Reality (VR)

You can view any 3D model in Virtual Reality using a VR headset (such as the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift) and a compatible browser.

Sketchfab VR on Meta Quest

評分 3.6 (278) Open Sketchfab VR to discover a showcase of explorations through remote places, fantastic creatures, game worlds, cultural heritage, science and other wonders.

Sketchfab VR on Oculus Rift | Rift VR Games

評分 2.9 (164) Open Sketchfab VR to discover a showcase of explorations through remote places, fantastic creatures, game worlds, cultural heritage, science and other wonders.


SketchfabrunsonthenewOculusQuestVRheadset.Letyourcustomersexploreallyour3DcontentinVRwiththeOculusQuest.,VRandARHeadsets3DModels;SnapIncSpectacles3DModel·SnapIncSpectacles.1.3;GoogleDaydreamView3DModel·GoogleDaydreamView.4k;MagicLeapOne3D ...,EnjoytheSketchfabVirtualRealityexperience.CompatiblewithallmainstreamVRtechincluding:HTCVive,OculusRift,OculusQuest,andMicrosoftMixed ...,ViewinVR/AR.Vie...